
Solid State Drives known as SSDs are pretty much different than traditional hard drives as it has no moving parts inside, unlink hard drive has all moving parts such as platter and head. Hard drives used to store data on platters, so SSDs stores data in Flash Memory chips. Data loss can happen by the damage to flash memory chips which could be either physical damage or a power surge.

Following are the few common failure types with SSDs:si_ssd-a100

  • Electronic component failure
  • Controller chip failure
  • Flash cell degradation from natural use
  • Power surges or failures
  • Damage to printed circuit boards
  • Damage to connectors
  • Data corruption after firmware updates

Additionally, Solid state drives are not immune to Accidental deletion/formatting/human error, software or program corruption, firmware corruption and natural disasters.

At Geeks at Help, Our technology experts can handle any data recovery situations such as analyzing hybrid SSD Data structures for all different brands with specialized tools, controller chips, and all other SSD issues.

Encrypted SSD Data – We can recover it!

In today’s world of technology and innovation, security has become our biggest concern, that’s why most of the SSD devices comes with encryption technology. There is two types of encryption (1) Hardware based encryption (2) Software based logical encryption. We at Geeks at Help can recover data from encrypted devices too. Our specialized technicians will first decrypt the encryption then do the data recovery process.

At Geeks at Help, we recover data from all storage media types such as SSDs, Hard drives, RAID servers, USB hard drives etc. Contact us today for your free diagnosis and evaluation.


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