Microsoft SQL Server Database Recovery

Most of the companies use RDBMS (relational database management system) and save their data in SQL databases. What happens if you reboot the server and the database doesn’t attach and your backup is also corrupt, unfinished or obsolete? Have you ever had a drive containing SQL database crash and a Data Recovery Company recovered the SQL database but is corrupted? One damaged sector inside database will not allow the file to attach.

SQL recovery from drive failure is normally a two-step process. First, the physical data (raw sectors) must be recovered to access the logical data and then if the database does not attach to SQL server then the second stage is SQL data recovery. GeeksatHelp Services will give you very reliable pricing for each process.


Even the best-configured Database server can fail due to:

  • Corrupted database MDF file
  • Torn page detection
  • Deleted data (tables, records, system objects)
  • I/O errors in SQL server
  • corrupted or damaged LDF log file
  • SQL Database in “suspected” mode
  • Not able to restore from SQL backup file

Can we recover the SQL server? Most of the time SQL server can be repaired to point where it can attach. If we are cant repair the database to a point where it will attach, then we will recover as many records and tables as possible for you.

Then we can merge back the recovered data into an empty database that your software will work with. Whether its SQL data recovery, SQL server recoverySQL database restoring… we can help!

Getting Started:

First we will examine if its hardware failure or file logical corruption, then we would need the device sent to us because file breakup can disseminate pieces of the database and log file all over the media. These pieces needs to be collected and reassembled so we can start our examination. If the database was corrupted by some other reasons then a copy on any media will work.

What can you do to help us?

Third party SQL recovery programs can damage your database beyond our ability to recover the files so please don’t try any third party programs on the original files.

To save time repairing and/or searching, provide us the database structure and a list of ordered required tables.

After all steps done our representative will call you for the approval, No work will be done without your approval. As soon as you approve, our specialist will continue with the recovery, by studying the records and database. This data can then be pulled out and the database rebuilt.

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