Broken USB Data Recovery in Dubai

Broken Flash Drive/USB Data Recovery Dubai

Almost every day we receive Flash drive with a broken connector due to a laptop fall or broke the USB drive while it is connected. When such accidents happen, the PCB can break from the rendering chip, making the flash drive useless.

Now the frustration is real when you need the data inside very badly. So, you get a soldering iron and try to fix the NAND chip by yourself leading it to damage further, by burning the microchips or the controller chip. This burning IC will cause permanent data loss.

If the PCB is damaged, then there is still a chance of getting the data back by using specialized tools. We at GeeksatHelp have special modern tools to perform such Data Recovery. We have recovered numerous chips like that with a great success rate.

We have recovered data from various other USB anomalies. Contact us for any USB Data Recovery in Dubai.

We deal with all top brands, including:


HP SanDisk
Sony Kingston
Verbatim Corsair
Toshiba Imation
Transcend Lexar
Super Talent PNY



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